ABDM Compliance Made Easy:
Ready-to-Integrate Application

Easy to setup and use for hospitals, diagnostic labs, and clinics.

Ready-to-deploy application for every ABDM Milestone

ABHA ID creation software ABDM
ABHA ID creation software ABDM

Milestone 2: HIP Records and FHIR Conversion - Link and convert medical records to the standard FHIR format effortlessly

Milestone 3: HIU Access and Sharing: Empower patients to access and share their records with confidence.

Link Health Records ABDM
Link Health Records ABDM
Health Record Sharing and Consent Management ABDM
Health Record Sharing and Consent Management ABDM

Milestone 1: ABHA ID Creation - Generate secure, unique Health IDs for your patients with our hassle-free solution

HCX for Insurance Companies and TPAs
Solution integrating Health Claims Exchange simplifies claim submission, accelerates approvals, and helps minimize fraud

White-Label Telehealth Apps
Launch your own secure, ABDM-compliant telehealth platform with our customizable white-label app

Health Claims Exchange Integration
Health Claims Exchange Integration
teleconsultation appointment PHR app for clinics and hospitals
teleconsultation appointment PHR app for clinics and hospitals

Be future-proof with ABDM: Change is already underway

ABDM's here, and the train's leaving the station. Don't get left behind! SwingBell Labs delivers complete software solutions to get you compliant – fast.

Unlock benefits for all:

  • Patients: Empowered records, simplified access, better care coordination.

  • Providers: Add prescriptions, reports. Access existing health records.

  • Ecosystem: Improved access, reduced fraud, better public health.

Book your free demo today and secure your spot on the ABDM Express. Time to hop on!

Have questions? Drop us a message.